Today was all about Milan's Cathedral.  It is the 4th largest in Europe and the seat of the Arch Bishop.  We took a guided tour of the inside, underground and even on the roof.  So many things to look at.  Of course part of our favorite was the 55 stained glass windows that are every where you look.

I'd love to tell you the exact number of pillars that are inside this huge cathedral, but I don't remember...I can tell you they were as big as any ancient redwood tree and completely made of marble.  You will notice at the top of each pillar are a ring of sculptures...Incredible!  The ceilings look like they are also relief carvings, but in fact they are painted..

Chris was just overwhelmed by this pipe organ.  Its is the 7th largest in the world with over 15,350 pipes!

I wanted to include this picture of the inside of the cathedral to try and give you scope as to the immense size of this church.

Kelly and her 1st Apertivo Spritz...yummy, but look out it sneaks up on you fast!

After dinner we took a walk through Vittorio Emmanuel II mall, next to the Cathedral.  We found our 1st gelato shop and I had Peruvian chocolate!! :). Just like Pecks, we order and pay through one door and pick up our gelato out of a different door!  There was a visibly upset tourist who lost his place in line because he was not aware you had to order and pay at a different place...the learning curve can be tough- especially when you are craving gelato!

The sun sets on the Cathedral and our last evening in Milan (at least for a little while)...we will be back!