The photo above is of the Trevi Fountain.

Today was a quiet day for us.  We took walks through the neighborhood to explore and stretch our legs a bit.

Before we leave Rome and our last VRBO lodging, I thought I would share a few interesting details.

Washing/drying machines are the same machine.  You throw your dirty clothes in, add soap and press a few buttons...come back 4 hours later and they are cleaned and "mostly dry".  By that I mean heavy things like towels, jeans or socks you need to lay over a chair for a day to finish completely drying.  Light weight clothes are completely dry.  

Refrigerators are small and short.  The one in the photo comes to my shoulders (at best).  My best guess is, most Italians I have observed only buy a day or two at a you don't need a lot of room.  They like their produce fresh, and most walk to the store for other goods and generally if you do have a car and can find a place to park, your car isn't big enough to hold more than a couple of bags of groceries at a time.  Some cars only have 1 seat!

Bulk shopping is just not done.

This evening after dinner, we took a passeggiata (a evening stroll) to visit some monuments after dark.  The sky was clear and only a light breeze. 

Many local restaurants will set up small tables advertising their fare.  Evidentally this one serves HUGE drinks :D

We visited the Pantheon, the Trevi Fountain and the Spanish Steps.  This time I walked them all (all 132 up and all 132 down)!

Buon anotte!!