It isn't every day you leave a town by water taxi! Goodbye Venice, I love your history, architechture, grandeur and ancient crafting skills. I will not miss your crowds, canal sewage stench or OVERPRICED EVERYTHING!
We traveled by train to Padua (they spell it Padova) and its 800 year old university.
As we arrived at our hotel we noticed a very lively square. It just so happens a very large and thriving market occurs here every Saturday. It may not be as well known as the market in Bologna, or Campo di Fiori in Rome, but it is bigger and has a better variety than any market I have seen in Italy. I love going to an open market.
Chris took sometime to walk to the university and stroll under the porticoes and walk by the physics department. He noticed a sign offering tutoring and commented that things don't change much just because the university is in another country.
In the afternoon we took time to walk by Padua's Botanical gardens, Prato della Valle (a large oval garden surrounded by a moat and ringed by statues), and to the Basilica of St. Anthony. We only had a partial day to visit, but both agreed we liked the feel of this town and wish we had longer to explore.
Tomorrow we head back to Milan where this wonderful adventure began.
We still have some problem solving to accomplish before our flight back. I have to figure out how to get all our souveniers home without exceeding the weight limit of our suitcases, we must take a covid-19 test and test negative to be allowed to fly back to the United States and most important: How to get Chris out of the Leonardo da Vinci science museum...he had to go back one more time! ;D