Hello friends and family- for today, I suggest you grab a drink and get comfortable.  Today was jam-packed and my camera was extra busy.

Bernini, Bernini and more Bernini!

1st thing this morning was a visit to the Borghese Museum, somewhere Chris and I both have been eager to see.  

Mostly for the sculptures of Bernini.

"The Rape of Persephone" while a disturbing topic, the sculpture details were stunning.  I must have circled it 6+ times trying to to absorb such details as: the pressure points of his fingers into her flesh, her hand pushing against his cheek bone, the dog's fur. I went back 3 different times and noticed new things each time.

The "David" was flawless in its portrayal of a determined young man taking on something daunting.

"Daphne and Apollo" was intricate and flowing (such a strange word to use for a marble sculpture).  Chris pointed out that on the back side it really shows how vulnerable the piece is from a sculptor's viewpoint.  While Dapne is solid and secure in the base of the sculpture, Apollo is only anchored by one foot and a robe draped around him...one wrong whack and the piece is ruined. 

Every room had beautiful intricate ceilings.  There was a very cool (1 person only) elevator and paintings by Raphael and Caravaggio adorned the walls, along with other artists I can't remember.

In one room was the reclining sculpture of Josephine Bonaparte (Napolean's sister).  I loved looking at the cushion she was reclining on.  It doesn't matter how many times I see it, but when they make something hard look soft and pliable...its just blows my feeble little mind.

The pile of fat little sleeping cherubs reminds me of a pile of puppies :D

A Roman Selfie!  Its actually a scroll he is holding, but Chris saw it from a distance and got a kick out of it. 

After the Borghese museum we headed over to Piazza dei Popolo. It is surrounded by several churches.  The 1st being Basilica Parrochiale Santa Maria dei Popolo.  Its chapel was designed by Raphael and there are a minimum of 4 Bernini marble sculptures inside. 

Piazza dei Popolo also contains Basilica di Santa Maria Montesanto (with twin domes) an obelisk and 3 fountains. The 2 fountains that ring the piazza are Gods of Rome and Neptune's Fountain (Neptune is a favorite fountain inspiration and there are many in this city).  My favorite fountain was around the obelisk (in the middle) that had 4 lions spitting out water.

Time to get off our feet and grab some lunch, but on the way we encountered a "Far Side" moment of dancing suitcases.  

We found Hard Rock Cafe for some "American food"...hey we made it 9 weeks!  Even the best pasta in the world gets old after 9 weeks.  A burger and strawberry lemonade w/BASIL gave us the fix we needed (the basil actually was a very nice touch, I will try it next summer at home)!

One more Bernini sculpture...yes another Neptunes fountain- before calling it a day :)